Monday, November 15, 2010

How to Block Websites in Mozilla Firefox

The easiest way to block websites in Mozilla Firefox is by using a free, third-party add-on called BlockSite. The BlockSite extension blocks sites that have been added to its "blacklist," but it can also be set up to disable any links to the blocked sites by showing non-functional text instead of hyperlinks. BlockSite also has a "password protection" feature that helps prevent unwanted changes to BlockSite by others.


  • 1
    Open Firefox, click "Tools" then "Add-ons." Click "Get Add-ons" and then "Browse All Add-ons." Type "blocksite" in the search bar after the Mozilla Firefox add-ons website opens and hit "Enter."

  • 2
    Click the "Add to Firefox" button next to the entry for BlockSite. Allow the add-on to load (usually less than 5 seconds), then click the "Install Now" button. Restart Firefox when prompted.

  • 3
    Go to "Tools," then "Add-ons," then click the BlockSite "Preferences" button after Firefox restarts. Make sure the "Blacklist" radio button is ticked, as well as "Enable BlockSite," "Enable warning messages," and "Enable link removal."

  • 4
    Check "Enable authentication," then enter a password if you would like to keep other users from deleting blocked websites or changing the settings in BlockSite without your permission.

  • 5
    Click the "Add" button, enter the URL of the website you would like to block, then click "OK." Repeat to add more sites, or click the "Clear" button to delete the list. Once the list of blocked sites is complete, click "OK" and restart Firefox.

  • Thursday, October 28, 2010

    How to increse traffic using social marker

    This article is to show you how you can use social marker to get to 47 different social book-marking sites. In the process search engines are bound to notice you. And it should get you high ranks in many search engines including Google, MSN, Yahoo, and a lot more.
    Social Marker is a great website which allows you to get your blog or website to 47 different social book-marking websites; this will make search engines notice you a lot more and they'll think, 'If so many websites are pointing to this website, it must be very important'
    Also not only will your actual website/blog get highly ranked on Google but so will pages that point directly to your site. Making your website have multiple links, maybe even on the first page of many search engines
    To do this all you have to do is Google 'social marker' go to the first website seen, make sure every single box is ticked, enter some of the info in the fields in the top right corner, press the button in the top right corner to start submitting, note that you will probably have to register for every single website you try to submit to. You have to notice that any method to get you high ranks on Google will cost you time and effort most of the time, if it doesn't it will probably cost you in some way, whether it's money or not getting very highly ranked on Google.
    I really hope social marker gets you highly ranked in many search engines, not just Google. Also I hope you get a lasting amount of targeted traffic to your website for more information on SEO, go to the link below.

    Saturday, October 23, 2010

    how to auto feed blog posts to twitter

    If you have a Blogger blog and a Twitter account, automatically feeding your blog posts to Twitter can save a lot of time and hassle



    1. The easiest way to automatically tweet your blog posts is through Twitterfeed. Go to
    2. Login to Twitterfeed using your OpenID. If you have a Blogger account, you will just need to choose Blogger from the list of possible logins and enter your username. For example, if the URL of your Blogger blog is, then your username is abcdefg.
    3. After logging in, you will be able to go to your Twitter feeds. This gives you the option to enter a new feed. Click on "Create New Feed". Enter your Twitter name and password, as well as the URL for your RSS feed. Adjust the settings for how often you want Twitterfeed to check your blog for new posts, and click "Create".
    4. That's it! Now, when you create a Blogger blog post, a tweet will automatically be created and posted to your Twitter account.


    Thursday, October 21, 2010

    Aas Paas Khuda (song trailer) - Anjaana Anjaani

    Tujhe Bhula Diya - Anjaana Anjaani


    Tuesday, July 20, 2010

    Mouseless - an invisible computer mouse